# 管道模式

Testing Is Documentation


QueryPHP 提供了一个管道模式组件 \Leevel\Pipeline\Pipeline 对象。

QueryPHP 管道模式提供的几个 API 命名参考了 Laravel,底层核心采用迭代器实现。




use Closure;
use Leevel\Di\Container;
use Leevel\Pipeline\Pipeline;

# 管道模式基本使用方法

fixture 定义


namespace Tests\Pipeline;

class First
    public function handle(Closure $next, $send)
        $_SERVER['test.first'] = 'i am in first handle and get the send:'.$send;


namespace Tests\Pipeline;

class Second
    public function handle(Closure $next, $send)
        $_SERVER['test.second'] = 'i am in second handle and get the send:'.$send;
public function testPipelineBasic(): void
    $result = (new Pipeline(new Container()))
        ->send(['hello world'])
        ->through([First::class, Second::class])

    $this->assertSame('i am in first handle and get the send:hello world', $_SERVER['test.first']);
    $this->assertSame('i am in second handle and get the send:hello world', $_SERVER['test.second']);

    unset($_SERVER['test.first'], $_SERVER['test.second']);

# then 执行管道工序并返回响应结果

public function testPipelineWithThen(): void
    $thenCallback = function (Closure $next, $send) {
        $_SERVER['test.then'] = 'i am end and get the send:'.$send;

    $result = (new Pipeline(new Container()))
        ->send(['foo bar'])
        ->through([First::class, Second::class])

    $this->assertSame('i am in first handle and get the send:foo bar', $_SERVER['test.first']);
    $this->assertSame('i am in second handle and get the send:foo bar', $_SERVER['test.second']);
    $this->assertSame('i am end and get the send:foo bar', $_SERVER['test.then']);

    unset($_SERVER['test.first'], $_SERVER['test.second'], $_SERVER['test.then']);

# 管道工序支持返回值

public function testPipelineWithReturn(): void
    $pipe1 = function (Closure $next, $send) {
        $result = $next($send);
        $this->assertSame($result, 'return 2');
        $_SERVER['test.1'] = '1 and get the send:'.$send;

        return 'return 1';

    $pipe2 = function (Closure $next, $send) {
        $result = $next($send);
        $_SERVER['test.2'] = '2 and get the send:'.$send;

        return 'return 2';

    $result = (new Pipeline(new Container()))
        ->send(['return test'])
        ->through([$pipe1, $pipe2])

    $this->assertSame('1 and get the send:return test', $_SERVER['test.1']);
    $this->assertSame('2 and get the send:return test', $_SERVER['test.2']);
    $this->assertSame('return 1', $result);

    unset($_SERVER['test.1'], $_SERVER['test.2']);

# then 管道工序支持依赖注入

fixture 定义


namespace Tests\Pipeline;

class DiConstruct
    protected $testClass;

    public function __construct(TestClass $testClass)
        $this->testClass = $testClass;

    public function handle(Closure $next, $send)
        $_SERVER['test.DiConstruct'] = 'get class:'.$this->testClass::class;


namespace Tests\Pipeline;

class TestClass
public function testPipelineWithDiConstruct(): void
    $result = (new Pipeline(new Container()))
        ->send(['hello world'])

    $this->assertSame('get class:'.TestClass::class, $_SERVER['test.DiConstruct']);


# 管道工序无参数

public function testPipelineWithSendNoneParams(): void
    $pipe = function (Closure $next) {
        $this->assertCount(1, func_get_args());

    $result = (new Pipeline(new Container()))

# send 管道工序通过 send 传递参数

public function testPipelineWithSendMoreParams(): void
    $pipe = function (Closure $next, $send1, $send2, $send3, $send4) {
        $this->assertSame($send1, 'hello world');
        $this->assertSame($send2, 'foo');
        $this->assertSame($send3, 'bar');
        $this->assertSame($send4, 'wow');

    $result = (new Pipeline(new Container()))
        ->send(['hello world'])
        ->send(['foo', 'bar', 'wow'])

# through 设置管道中的执行工序支持多次添加

public function testPipelineWithThroughMore(): void
    $_SERVER['test.Through.count'] = 0;

    $pipe = function (Closure $next) {


    $result = (new Pipeline(new Container()))
        ->through([$pipe, $pipe, $pipe])
        ->through([$pipe, $pipe])

    $this->assertSame(6, $_SERVER['test.Through.count']);


# 管道工序支持参数传入

fixture 定义


namespace Tests\Pipeline;

class WithArgs
    public function handle(Closure $next, $one, $two)
        $_SERVER['test.WithArgs'] = [$one, $two];
public function testPipelineWithPipeArgs(): void
    $params = ['one', 'two'];

    $result = (new Pipeline(new Container()))
        ->through([WithArgs::class.':'.implode(',', $params)])

    $this->assertSame($params, $_SERVER['test.WithArgs']);


# 管道工序支持自定义入口方法

fixture 定义


namespace Tests\Pipeline;

class WithAtMethod
    public function run(Closure $next, $send)
        $_SERVER['test.at.method'] = 'i am in at.method handle and get the send:'.$send;
public function testStageWithAtMethod(): void
    (new Pipeline(new Container()))
        ->send(['hello world'])

    $this->assertSame('i am in at.method handle and get the send:hello world', $_SERVER['test.at.method']);
